Mystères Jiren Dragon Ball Super

10 Mysteries About Jiren in Dragon Ball Super

If you are a true fan of the Dragon Ball saga, you will know that it is no stranger to powerful enemies. Frieza , Cell and Majin Buu are the best known, but since the new Dragon Ball Super series we have been treated to a greater variety of villains. Characters such as Hit , Black Goku and the mysterious Jiren appeared for our greatest pleasure! 😮

Jiren in the Dragon Ball saga has established himself as a fascinating character but also full of mysteries. Since its first appearances during the Tournament of Power, we have nevertheless managed to detect a few elements to be explored in greater depth and which deserved to be clarified. 💡

Indeed, since his debut in the Tournament of Power arc in the anime and manga, this character with his atypical design is both fascinating and mysterious because we don't know much about him. We have therefore identified 10 Mysteries about Jiren in Dragon Ball Super with the aim of elucidating them soon. So let's go ! 💨


Jiren's Strength

You're probably wondering how did Jiren become so strong? During the Tournament of Power arc, we learn a lot about his past, how his master, his peers and his family were killed by a mysterious evildoer. Since then, Jiren has been driven by the ideology that only strength counts to achieve his goals and not your friends. 💪

Beliefs aside, that still doesn't explain why he became so powerful. Did he train with another master? did the Pride Troopers have a role to play in his superhuman development? Or did he simply hone his skills by spending years in the company of the Pride Troopers? This still leaves us with many unanswered questions. ❓

In any case don't worry, we've thought of everything at Goku Shop®! If you are a fan of this intriguing character, quickly get this exclusive T-Shirt!

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Pride Troopers

The Pride Troopers are a group of characters that can be somewhat compared to space cops. However, just like Jiren, we don't know much about them outside of what they represent and some interactions between Toppo and Jiren. How exactly was Jiren recruited? Why is Jiren quite indifferent towards them despite the respect they all have for him in the team? 🤔

If Jiren preferred strength over friendship, he wouldn't be a member of the Pride Troopers. These are character interactions that could have perfected a lot of Jiren's story and character instead of being completely ignored. 👌


Jiren Baby

Not much is known about this mysterious tormentor, only that he helped fuel Jiren's thirst for strength and caused him to become the strongest fighter in Universe 11 . But what happened to this criminal? Did Jiren defeat him or is he still searching for him? 🔎

It's possible that the villain will be introduced later in the continuation of the Dragon Ball Super series but currently, it's a plot point that hasn't been developed enough to make any real sense. 😫


Goku's Ultra Instinct vs Jiren

At the climax of the Tournament of Power , Jiren begins to lose to Goku's Ultra Instinct . Which will force Jiren to go beyond his limits in order to succeed in surpassing himself. He therefore becomes powerful enough to face the Ultra Instinct form, the transformation that even the gods of destruction had not managed to defeat. Judging from the aura , it is possible that its power is similar to Ultra Instinct, but it is still unknown beyond that. 🔆

Unfortunately there has been no previous information on Jiren obtaining any form similar to Ultra Instinct, unless meditation is considered evidence. Additionally, the upper stage was presented as implying that Jiren had a form of zenkai boost . Ultra Instinct is currently only available to Saiyans , so unless Jiren is one… 😶

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Hit vs. Jiren

During the Tournament of Power , Hit attempted to fight Jiren by himself. However, this only proved to the audience that Hit was not worth Jiren's time. Despite Hit's abilities to manipulate time, Jiren was simply too powerful for him. This is not new, since Goku, during the tournament against Universe 6, managed to surpass Hit by only very briefly using his Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x10 . 🔥

What doesn't make sense is Jiren's ability to transcend time itself while suspended in the time prison erected by Hit. If you are suspended in time, how would you be able to break this alteration with your strength alone? Goku had to break the time skip using the Kaioken form, but Jiren breaks the actual time skip only with his eyes, weird right? 👀


Jiren Levitation

One of the rules established in the tournament is that participants cannot fly into the area. This is what emerges from Goku's attempt when he tries to fly, he will only be able to dive straight back into the arena. This forced the characters to win the tournament through strategy rather than space. However, Jiren was indeed levitating and meditating in mid-air at the start of the tournament. 🧘‍♂️

While it is true that flight and levitation are techniques that can be considered different, it is important to keep in mind that both techniques allow you to see the character suspended in the air. Goku and his friends were only able to jump extremely high, but Jiren levitates in place and simply breaks the rule. So how could this be tolerated? 😲


Dragon Ball Super Heroes

Dragon Ball Super Heroes is a Japanese-only spinoff series containing short, non-canon fan-oriented episodes. This focus on certain parts of the original saga also leads to a reduction in the scale of power seen in the anime until now. One moment in particular made fans angry as the all-powerful Jiren was unable to escape from the cube prison erected by Hearts . As a little reminder, Hearts is the main antagonist in the Heroes saga whose goal is to destroy Zen'ô . 💣

The problem is that Hearts presumably shouldn't be powerful enough to hold Jiren in place, especially when characters like Fused Zamasu had failed to beat him. Additionally, it is shown in Episode 13 that a transformed Hearts was fighting Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue form at almost equal power. So it doesn't make sense that Hearts would be able to hold Jiren in a much weaker form, don't you think? 😅


Jiren Saiyan

This is one of the biggest flaws Jiren shares with other villains in the Dragon Ball universe. He constantly underestimates Saiyans . However, judging from the Tournament of Power , Jiren may be the one who underestimates the Saiyans the most outside of Frieza . 😂

His arrogance in letting the tournament drag on is a direct result of his underestimating the Saiyans. This was also nothing new, as everyone in the tournament grew stronger and stronger over time. He even felt it every time he fought against Goku . This arrogance also led to his downfall, which could have been completely avoided. 🤔


Tournament of Power

Jiren is the strongest fighter in Universe 11 , but that doesn't mean he's the most humble. For most of the Tournament of Power , Jiren played passively. Preferring to meditate or attack when provoked. Preferring a much more detached defensive style. That being said, one might wonder why he did this. He could have been a valuable asset for his teammates! 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

After all, his universe was in danger of being erased by Zen'ô, one would think he would be more active in clearing the world of the void given his power. It was because of this obvious lapse in judgment that he risked his entire world and also lost in the end. 😪

Despite all these mysteries, Jiren remains a powerful and intriguing character who has interested many fans like you! Don't hesitate to enhance your Dragon Ball collection with our Jiren figurine from Dragon Ball Super!

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So, convinced now? If you know more about one of the mysteries that revolve around Jiren, don't hesitate to let us know in the comments, see you soon for a new article full of twists and turns! 😉

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