Goku contre Saitama

Goku vs Saitama: who wins?

Today, we're taking a look at the powers and abilities of two titanic characters from the anime world: Goku from Dragon Ball and Saitama from One Punch Man . Let's go for a Goku vs Saitama match which will take place in 5 rounds: strength and endurance, intelligence and ingenuity, allies, weapons and powers as well as determination and will.


Dragon Ball Z bathrobe


When it comes to pure strength, Goku and Saitama's levels are so monstrous that both characters can claim the number 1 spot. They both had rather humble beginnings and have greatly increased their strength through extensive training . and applied 🏋️‍♂️

For decades, no one seems to come close to the Saiyan in the DBZ universe. He outshines the rest of the characters, including monsters capable of destroying entire planets with a flick of his wrist. When he encounters an opponent, he pushes his limits to eliminate them, even coming back to life to cross swords with a fighter worthy of him (like during the fight against Majin Buu). With the release of Dragon Ball Super and the new movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly Goku's power has increased even more, so much so that it is hard to imagine that anyone could defeat him.

If you want to find out more information about the character, discover the ultimate guide dedicated to Son Goku !

Goku vs. Saitama


But recently, a wildly successful anime (named One Punch Man) entered the fray with a character with super-powerful strength. As the title of the anime indicates, Saitama can neutralize any opponent with a simple Punch . This is the principle of the character: so cheated that he became totally jaded 😪 To date, no one has managed to survive his iconic red gloves, not even the leader of the Dark Space Raiders Guild Mater, the terribleBoros .

Additionally, his inability to fly (unlike Goku) is somewhat offset by his immeasurable strength allowing him to jump very high and very far. Among his feats: jumping from the surface of the moon to return to face Lord Boros on earth, pulverizing an asteroid and destroying an entire mountain with the air pressure generated by a single blow. Furthermore, whatever the challenger, the Apprentice Hero never seems to suffer any damage.


We will remain impartial. In terms of pure strength and for all these reasons, Saitama deserves this first point (he is far from having revealed everything he is capable of).

Goku 0 – Saitama 1 !



We wonder if the stereotype of the bewildered Shonen Hero is not based on Goku. But how can you blame him, since he fell on his head when he was little and all the malice inherent in the Saiyan was removed from his consciousness to leave only a pure and benevolent heart. Let's stay honest: Goku is far from smart... and it doesn't get better with DBS 🐒 Not to mention that his negligence and overconfidence in his strength have sometimes cost him dearly. But hey, that’s what makes it so charming!

Goku Idiot


That said, Saitama is far from worthy of a Nobel Prize. Clumsy, distracted, he doesn't really calculate his actions... fortunately Genos 🤖 is there to change the situation. Despite his faults, the Class B Hero nevertheless remains much smarter than the famous Saiyan.


There is no doubt here, Saitama is definitely smarter than Kakarot.

Goku 0 – Saitama 2 !



In anime, the “ Power of Friendship ” 👬 occupies a very important place, especially in Shonen. But between Goku from DBZ and Saitama from OPM, who is surrounded by the most loyal and powerful allies?

A little despite himself, Saitama is officially recognized by theHeroes Association (even if he is still little known). This title means that many other heroes (notably S rank ) such as Genos "Cyborg Demon", Bang "Silver Fang" and Tatsumaki "Tragic Tornado" are, in theory, his allies. Not to mention King “The strongest man in the world” 😂 ! But none of them seem to reach Saitama's level. Truth be told, he's the only truly powerful character in the series (for now). As a result, they would be more of a liability to Saitama than a much-needed help if they fought together.

Hero One Punch Man


For his part, Goku is surrounded by Z Fighters and allies with titanic power. This team is made up of the greatest fighters in the universe, some of whom have sometimes surpassed Goku! Among them we find Vegeta , Yamcha (lol), Majin Boo , Gohan , C-17 , Beerus , etc. In addition, all these characters fight very well as a team and they have demonstrated this on numerous occasions.

Team 7


If these two teams faced each other, we would not doubt for a second that it was the incredible Dragon Team who would win hands down.

Goku 1 – Saitama 2 !



Let's move past themagic cloud (andmagic staff ) which have long been obsolete. When we talk about Goku's arsenal, we have to focus on the incredible life energy attacks he produces. Between his Kamehameha (“Destroying Wave of the Turtle”), Genkidama and hisDragon Technique , Goku proves that his energy rays are overpowering. He is also capable of teleporting instantly!
In addition to all these attacks, Goku also has one of the most impressive powers: Super Saiyan . This power allows the hero to increase his Kai in incredible ways. This bonus power gives a whole new power to Son Goku, whose limits are more or less non-existent in Super Saiyan Blue or Super Saiyan God and even more so with Ultra instinct .


In contrast, Saitama's powers are rather basic. He has techniques called “ Rain of Ordinary Blows ” and “ Strike Well Worship ” 👊 which remain devastating despite not really intimidating names. He also possesses extraordinary speed, strength and resistance.

Hit well Worship


This last precision is enough to decide between our two valiant fighters.

Goku 2 – Saitama 2 !



In a serious fight, it is always better to be able to count on your mental steel. This is where the characters Goku and Saitama are very different . Before reaching the peak of his power and tragically losing all of his hair, Saitama had all the willpower of a "real" hero.

But upon realizing that no one could match his strength, Saitama became, unfortunately for him, very passive . Saitama gives the impression of not liking fighting that much, he even shows weakness sometimes. We wouldn't be surprised to see him abandon a fight due to lack of willpower .

Saitama is sleeping


On this point, Goku is diametrically opposed to Saitama. He only gives up a fight if he is absolutely certain that his son can easily take care of it himself. Besides, Saiyans live above all to fight , and Goku follows this code religiously 😤! Few characters can boast of having died in battle and then come back to life to save the world more than once.


We can therefore reasonably believe that Goku will never give up a fight before emerging victorious.

Goku 3 – Saitama 2 !


Victory therefore goes to the overpowering space warrior Goku, definitely stronger than Saitama . His countless abilities and steady growth in power are too impressive to ignore. It's true that we can't wait to find out how Saitama will evolve in the future, however we're betting on Goku... for the moment!

Another fight worth thinking about would be Goku vs Superman !

Goku stronger than Saitama

Goku fan? Saitama fan? ThisSaitama T-shirt is made for you!

Saitama T-Shirt

Do you agree with this Goku vs Saitama arbitration? Tell us everything in a comment 👇!

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Enfaite je n’ai rien compris vous dites que Goku est plus fort que saïtama mais le premier vs en terme de force vous dite que Santama est le vainqueur !!

Franck barry

En effet vous avez fait exprès de mètre détermination et volonté j’explique Saitama est tellement fort que que peut importe l’adversaire qui est devant lui il s’en tape et du côté pouvoir vrai qu’il n’a pas le kamehamaha et blablabla il a tout de même une force aucun des héros de manga possède et aussi il a des réflexes hyper rapide et aussi une rapidité moi je trouve que ton classement est truqué


Tu n’a pas pris en compte le fait que son goku est un extra terrestre et Saitama un humain et aussi le fait que si Saitama trouve un adversaire à sa hauteur il aura sûrement la volonté de ce battre


Tous à fait d’accord. On ne peut pas dire que Saitama n’est pas déterminer dans ces combats et qu’il abandonnera face à son ennemie si il est plus puissant que lui, surtout si niveau puissance Saitama est au dessus de Goku donc Goku peut avoir la détermination mais pas forcément la victoire.


Pour la détermination je ne suis pas vraiment d’accord, même si Saitama a la flemme car devenu trop puissant, ça ne l’empêche en rien de faire son boulot de héros et prends même sur lui quand le peuple critique les Rang S, exemple du combat contre le roi des mers.
Dans DBZ sans boules de cristal Goku on l’aurait pas vu longtemps x). Et il n’est déterminé vraiment que quand il sait qu’un puissant ennemi va arriver.
Un peu comme Saitama au final qui n’attends juste qu’un ennemi a son niveau…
Ce qui n’empêche pas aussi a Saitama de sauver plusieurs fois la terre et le monde en tuant Boros par exemple. Bref et avec l’entrainement que Saitama a effectué pour être aussi puissant une personne non déterminé ne l’aurait jamais fait par exemple ^^
Perso j’aurais mis égalité pour ce point la car chaque personnage a en faite sa propre détermination et volonté
Je ne trouve pas que l’un ou l’autre en a plus


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